July  2023 65
研究論文Research Articles
Efficacy Beliefs, Relationship Quality, and Collaboration Intention in Online Communities
作者 蕭丞傑
Author Cheng-Chieh HSIAO
關鍵詞 線上社群、線上協作、效能信念、關係品質、遊戲社群
Keywords online communities, online collaboration, efficacy belief, relationship quality, game communities
摘要 近年來,線上社群協作越趨盛行,然而社群管理者們卻不斷面臨社群關係與成員協作的管理問題。因此,本研究之主要目的在於結合自我效能理論及關係行銷理論,藉以檢驗線上協作式中使用者之效能信念如何促進社群關係品質,進而提升其社群協作意願。在分析了476位線上遊戲社群之使用者資料後,本研究反映自我效能信念會正向影響社群承諾,並且社群效能會正向影響社群承諾與社群信任。再者,分析結果顯示社群信任與社群承諾之間存在正向關係,而這兩項社群關係品質構念皆會正向影響社群協作意願。最後,本研究基於研究結果進一步討論其學術研究與傳播實務意涵。
Abstract User collaboration in online communities has become increasingly popular. However, online collaborative community managers have faced difficulties in managing member relationships and collaboration. This study aimed to incorporate self-efficacy theory into relationship marketing theory to examine how users’ efficacy beliefs improve community relationship quality, which then affects their intentions in online collaborative communities. The analysis of data collected from 476 users in online gaming communities indicates that self-efficacy positively affects community commitment and community efficacy positively influences community commitment and community trust. The findings showed a positive relationship between community trust and community commitment, and both positively affected collaboration intention. Based on these findings, several implications for research and practice are discussed.


Citation of this article:
Hsiao, C.-C. (2023). Efficacy beliefs, relationship quality, and collaboration intention in online communities. Communication and Society, 65, 31–62.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
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