July  2023 65
研究論文Research Articles
Chinese Intellectual Influencers and Popular Nationalism during COVID-19: A Study Based on Jinri Toutiao Video Blogs
作者 王海燕、吳琳
Author Haiyan WANG, Lin WU
關鍵詞 民族主義、知識分子、網紅、新冠疫情、數字化媒體
Keywords nationalism, intellectual, influencer, COVID-19, digital media
摘要 新冠疫情爆發以來,世界格局發生深刻變化,生物政治的較量加之外交政策的轉向令中國面臨冷戰結束以來前所未有的國際壓力,催生中國大陸新一輪的民族主義浪潮。作為介於國家與大眾之間的知識分子,在中國民族主義發展中歷來扮演重要的意見領袖角色。但與以往不同的是,此輪民族主義浪潮發生在數字化媒體高度滲透的社會中,一批知識分子精英在媒體平台的運作下成為「網紅」,在國家意志和數字資本的雙重激勵下,專職或全職參與到網絡民族主義話語建構中。本研究基於活躍在今日頭條上13個粉絲量超50萬的「網紅知識分子」的國際時評視頻號的分析,探討其民族主義話語建構的方式和內涵。研究發現,「網紅知識分子」借助人格、情感、事實結構等修辭手段,典型性地建構了一套對內保守、對外激進的民粹式民族主義話語,這一既激進又保守的民族主義話語的建構意味著官方民族主義與大眾民族主義的合流,也揭示了「網紅知識分子」對政治權力與平台資本的雙重迎合,對我們理解數字化媒體時代中國大陸民族主義的走向和知識分子角色的變化及其與權力的關係有參考意義。
Abstract COVID-19 has affected society in terms of not only public health and economics, but also political culture and international relations. In the past two years, China has been under unprecedented international pressure due to disputes over the origin of the virus and the management of the pandemic. This has been exacerbated by longstanding struggles among world powers and China’s shifting foreign policy. As on many previous occasions when China has faced a hostile international environment, nationalist ideas have increased, which promotes the stance toward national defense. Public intellectuals have played important roles as opinion leaders and “in-betweeners” of state nationalism and civic nationalism. Aided by digital media technologies, they have become actively involved in the construction and deliberation of nationalist discourse on the Internet, especially on media platforms. Against this background, this study aimed to understand the role of Chinese intellectuals—many of whom have become “internet influencers”—in contemporary conditions, the kinds of nationalist discourses they construct, and what rhetorical strategies they use. Based on an analysis of 13 popular video blogs in Jinri Toutiao, one of the largest digital media platforms in China, we found that by adopting the rhetorical strategies of personalization, misinformation, and emotive mobilization, the intellectual influencers constructed a nationalist discourse that is vocally aggressive and politically conservative, which indicates the confluence of state nationalism and civic nationalism and the convergence of state power and platform power. The implications of the findings for the development of Chinese nationalism, as well as the changing roles of Chinese intellectuals and their relationships with power, are discussed.

王海燕、吳琳(2023)。〈新冠疫情時期的「網紅」知識分子與大眾民族主義 — 基於今日頭條視頻號的研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第65期,頁63–92。

Citation of this article:
Wang, H., & Wu, L. (2023). Chinese intellectual influencers and popular nationalism during COVID-19: A study based on Jinri Toutiao video blogs. Communication and Society, 65, 63–92.
No.69  2024 July
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