April  2021 56
研究論文Research Articles
Scientists Have Been Bought! The Moderation of Individual Psychological Reactance in the Effects of Scientific Consensus Perception on Genetically Modified Food Safety Beliefs
作者 李貞芳、吳婷婷、鄧靚琪
Author Zhenfang LI, Tingting WU, Liangqi DENG
關鍵詞 心理抗逆、科學共識資訊、科學共識感知、轉基因食品安全認知
Keywords psychological reactance, scientific consensus message, scientific consensus perception, genetically modified food safety beliefs
摘要 在世界範圍內,科學傳播均面臨著公眾與科學界難以進行直接有效溝通的巨大挑戰。「關鍵認知模型」(gateway belief model)認為科學共識資訊能提高公眾的科學共識感知,即公眾對某個領域內專家/科學家之間共識程度的感知,從而增進對科學議題的理解及相關政策的支持。在中國互聯網表達中充滿抗逆性解讀的背景下,本研究探討個體心理抗逆等因素在科學共識感知影響轉基因食品安全認知過程中的調節作用。通過一個實驗研究,發現科學共識資訊能有效提升科學共識感知,進而影響轉基因食品安全認知;但這一效應會受到個體心理抗逆的調節,相比高心理抗逆群體,科學共識資訊更能影響並有效改善低心理抗逆群體的轉基因食品安全認知;增強共識資訊的詳細生動性、提升共識資訊的可信度和說服力度後,可消解受眾心理抗逆的調節作用。將說服性傳播更多地與科學傳播這一特定領域緊密結合,採用生動而可信的科學共識資訊將有助於縮小科學家與公眾在轉基因食品安全等科學議題上的認知差距。
Abstract The public and the scientific community find it difficult to communicate directly and effectively with each other. According to the gateway belief model, messages about scientific consensus positively affect the public’s perception of scientific consensus, which then improves their understanding of and support for related public policy. Because of the negative interpretations of expressions posted on the Chinese Internet, this study explores the moderating role of an individual’s psychological reactance in the cognitive impact of scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified (GM) food. An experimental study revealed that consensus messages effectively enhanced consensus perceptions and thus affected scientific beliefs about GM food safety. However, this effect was moderated by individual psychological reactance. Compared with high-psychological reactance groups, consensus messages can affect and effectively improve the scientific beliefs of low-psychological reactance groups. Enhancing the details and vividness of consensus messages and strengthening the credibility and persuasion of consensus messages could dispel or reduce the moderating effects of psychological reactance. Applying persuasive communication to the scientific communication field could help narrow the gap between scientists and the public regarding scientific issues by communicating vivid and credible messages about scientific consensus.



Citation of this article:

Li, Z., Wu, T., & Deng, L. (2021). Scientists have been bought! The moderation of individual psychological reactance in the effects of scientific consensus perception on genetically modified food safety beliefs. Communication and Society, 56, 63–91.
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