January  2014 27
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
微博空間的知識生產溝研究:以日本核危 機期間中國網民的微博討論為例
The Knowledge Production Gap in the Chinese Micro Blogosphere: A Case Study of Sina Weibo Discussion of Japan
作者 韋路、王夢迪
Author Lu WEI, Mengdi WANG
關鍵詞 知識溝、知識生產、微博、核危機
Keywords knowledge gap, knowledge production, Weibo, nuclear crisis
摘要 微博在中國和全球的風靡使得以往學術界關注不夠的知識生產問題浮出水面。本研究以日本核危機期間新浪微博用戶的相關討論為個案,探討了微博空間的知識生產溝問題。在對相關微博資訊進行量化和質化分析的基礎上,研究發現即使在微博這種資訊生產門檻較低的社交網路空間,知識生產溝的現象依然存在。儘管微博平台上的知識生產體現出一定的包容性和平民性,傳統強勢群體依然是微博空間中的主力知識生產者,其對知識的生產也更主動、更理性,所產生的社會影響也更大。論文對這些發現的理論、方法和現實意義進行了探討。
Abstract The rise of the microblog in China, and in the world, introduces a critical issue of knowledge production that has not yet received enough attention. This research explores the differential knowledge production in the Chinese micro blogosphere through a case study of Sina Weibo users’ discussion about nuclear power during Japan’s nuclear crisis in 2011. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of related Weibo messages reveal a knowledge production gap even in this relatively open social network with its low barrier of knowledge production. While knowledge production on the Weibo platform is more grassroots-oriented, traditionally dominant social groups are playing a more significant role in the knowledge production process. They not only produce knowledge in a more active and rational way, but they also generate greater social influence in the micro blogosphere. The theoretical, methodological, and practical implications are discussed.


韋路、王夢迪(2014)。〈微博空間的知識生產溝研究:以日本核危機期間中國網民的微博討論為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第27 期,頁65–99。

Citation of this article:

Wei, L., & Wang, M. D. (2014). The knowledge production gap in the Chinese micro blogosphere: A case study of sina weibo discussion of Japan's nuclear crisis. Communication & Society, 27, 65–99.
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